Process of Becoming Famous

“USA Magicians are Considering the Benefits of AI (Artificial Intelligence) “Personalization” with their Patter and Effects”

1. The Diverse Landscape of American Audiences

The United States, with its vast geographic expanse and cultural diversity, offers a unique challenge for entertainers. From the East Coast’s urban hubs to the South’s historical cities and the West’s coastal towns, audience preferences can vary dramatically. Recognizing and catering to this diversity is key for magicians who tour nationwide. AI, with its data-analyzing prowess, offers a solution to this challenge. But what specifically will be AI’s role (if any) in the future of magic presentations?

2. AI’s Strength in Personalized Content

AI’s capabilities extend far beyond mere data collection. It excels in analyzing patterns, predicting preferences, and personalizing content. In the context of magic, this means AI can assess regional or city-specific data, identify which tricks resonate best with local audiences, and help magicians craft a performance that feels tailored for them. This works also if you Become a Mentalist. But at this stage, there are no case studies avaialbe.

3. Regional Cultural Nuances: Crafting the Perfect Patter

The “patter,” or the dialogue accompanying a magic trick, is as crucial as the trick itself. It sets the mood and engages the audience. With AI’s language-processing capabilities, magicians can be advised on regional dialects, local humor, or cultural references, ensuring their patter strikes a chord with the audience, no matter where they perform. If “AI is Magic” it can play a part in the theater of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

4. Adapting Effects for Maximum Impact

Beyond patter, the visual and thematic aspects of a magic trick, or its “effects,” can be tailored using AI insights. For instance, an effect that might be a hit in a tech-savvy city might not resonate in a rural setting. AI can help magicians adapt their effects to align with local sensibilities, guaranteeing applause every time. Back in the day, Harry Houdini was a master of publicity in whatever city or town he played. He appeared to have his finger on the pulse of what people would find intriguing and would, as a result, go to see his performance in their community. Perhaps AI use by you can help level the playing field so you have a better shot at success?

5. The Logistics of AI-Driven Personalization

Implementing AI-driven insights requires seamless integration with a magician’s preparation process. This might mean investing in AI software, training in its use, or collaborating with tech experts. While the benefits of such a system are evident, the logistical and financial implications can’t be ignored, especially for independent magicians or smaller tours. And if you are someone who either does, or is interested in doing, the process to Invent Mentalism, you can do “personalization” on a human level by thinking about your audience, and then making certain that your performance matches their expectation.

6. The Ethical Implications: Authenticity vs. Algorithm

Magic is as much about authenticity as it is about illusion. With AI-driven personalization, the line between a magician’s genuine connection with the audience and algorithmic suggestions might blur. Some purists might argue that relying on AI diminishes the raw, spontaneous essence of live performances. This debate underscores a larger question about the role of technology in art. If you know your “Magic Neighbors” in your community, AI New Yorker believes it is okay to create art for which there are spectators.

7. Beyond Magic: AI’s Role in Broader Entertainment

Magic isn’t the only art form exploring AI’s potential. Musicians, actors, and other entertainers also delve into AI’s capabilities for personalization. As various art forms embrace AI, there’s potential for a broader shift in the entertainment landscape, making performances more tailored and interactive than ever before. And the MagicPreneur who is first to market with this new kind of magic artistry, have a better shot at not just being first, but being recognized as such.

8. Potential Backlash: The Risk of Over-Reliance

While AI offers undeniable advantages, there’s a risk of over-reliance. If every performance is heavily AI-tailored, shows might lose their universal appeal. Moreover, audiences, aware of AI’s involvement, might crave more “authentic” experiences, leading to potential backlash against overly personalized shows. Or, if AI is used in patter, it could become possible that you, as a magic performer, could even have a deeper level of connection with your audience. How and why? Because by telling spectators about your personal connection with AI, as well as your opinion about whether or not “AI is Magic” you can actually take on tech and science, and persuade others you truly have magic and mentalism powers. But for entertainment purposes only of course! Maintaining authenticity is vital. But the time is now, because there could be Manhattan Magicians working on this right now.

9. AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement

It’s essential to remember that AI, in all its glory, remains a tool. It can offer insights, suggestions, and patterns, but the final decisions lie with the magician. By using AI as a guide rather than a dictator, magicians can strike a balance between personalization and authenticity. To be a true MagicPreneur, you need to be able to take on art and business, both at the same time!

10. The Future of Magic in an AI-Influenced World

As AI continues to shape various industries including being a Web Design Magician, its influence on magic and entertainment is inevitable. While it offers tools for enhanced personalization, its role should be complementary, ensuring the heart and soul of magic remain untouched. The future might see a harmonious blend where AI insights and a magician’s innate flair coexist, taking the art of illusion to unprecedented heights.

Process of Becoming Famous

USA Magicians: Mastering AI in Marketing


In the context of USA Magicians, entrepreneurs are constantly innovating, leveraging AI tools to create a unique and dynamic marketing strategy. With AI-powered “Marketing You” tools, they are able to segment audiences, personalize messages, automate campaigns, and track their efforts with precision. This article explores the magical transformation AI brings to marketing strategies.

The Magic of AI in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way we approach marketing. It enables marketers to analyze vast amounts of data, gain deep insights about their customers, and deliver highly personalized experiences. In the era of USA Magicians, leveraging these AI capabilities can truly make your marketing strategy magical.

Segmenting Your Audience

One of the many tricks in the USA Magicians’ playbook is segmenting the audience using AI. AI tools analyze consumer data to identify patterns and group consumers based on their behavior, preferences, and needs. This magic trick allows for targeted marketing efforts that resonate with each specific group.

Personalizing Your Marketing Messages

With AI, USA Magicians can cast a spell of personalization over their marketing messages. AI tools analyze customer data to understand individual preferences and behavior, enabling marketers to tailor messages that resonate on a personal level. This magical personal touch can significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Automating Your Marketing Campaigns

AI provides USA Magicians with the power to automate their marketing campaigns. AI-powered marketing automation tools can schedule and launch campaigns across multiple channels, ensuring consistent and timely engagement with your audience. It’s a magical time-saver that lets you focus on strategic decision-making while the AI tool handles the routine tasks.

Tracking Success

In the world of USA Magicians, success lies in the ability to measure and understand the results of your marketing efforts. AI tools can track a plethora of metrics in real-time, providing insights into campaign performance, customer engagement, and return on investment. It’s the magic mirror that reveals the impact of your marketing strategies.

Adapting and Optimizing

Beyond tracking, AI also aids in optimizing marketing efforts. By analyzing campaign performance data, AI can offer suggestions for improvement, helping USA Magicians adapt their strategies to maximize success. This capability turns the marketing process into a magical cycle of continuous learning and improvement.

Embracing the AI Magic

Embracing AI in marketing requires a paradigm shift. In the world of USA Magicians, marketers need to view AI not as a mere tool, but as a collaborator that can enhance their creative and strategic capabilities. It’s about merging the art of marketing with the science of AI to create truly magical outcomes.

The Future of AI Marketing

As AI continues to evolve, the scope for AI-powered marketing will expand further. From predictive analytics and real-time personalization to chatbots and voice assistants, the future holds endless possibilities for USA Magicians. The key is to stay updated with the latest trends and adapt your strategies accordingly.


In the era of USA Magicians, AI is the magic wand that transforms marketing. By using AI to segment audiences, personalize messages, automate campaigns, and track success, marketers can enhance their efficiency, effectiveness, and impact. So embrace the magic of AI, and let it cast a spell of success on your marketing strategy.

Process of Becoming Famous

Magic is in the Eyes of the Beholder and for Some AI is Magic and a Way to Achieve their Panacea of Prosperity

USA Magicians are Facing an New and Unforseen Journey

In an age of AI-driven wonder, where algorithms and machine learning have begun to perform feats that seem almost supernatural, one might wonder about the future of the old-world charm of magic in the USA. Can magic, the age-old art of illusion, retain its bewitching appeal in the face of AI’s advancements? This leads to a fascinating exploration of whether the art of magic remains a viable career path amidst the boom of artificial intelligence.

Enter the “Ask AI Guy,” who each and every day picks a question from the latest subscribers to the “Ask AI Guy” newsletter, and answers it in the form of a short digital book created over the course of less than 24 hours. The latest book is entitled “AI Panacea of Prosperity?”

He brings to the table a unique blend of human intuition and AI’s precision. His human side is a multi-faceted individual with experiences spanning across filmmaking, marketing, and, interestingly, magic. Thus, in this evolving landscape of AI wonders, the “Ask AI Guy” stands at the intersection, wearing the dual hats of a magician and an AI expert.

The mission of the “Ask AI Guy” extends beyond merely answering AI-related questions. He seeks to share the knowledge and wonder of AI, aiming to make it accessible and intriguing for all. Each day, out of a plethora of inquiries, he picks an AI-related question and crafts a detailed answer in the form of a digital book.

In a world teeming with complex AI jargon and mystifying algorithms, the “Ask AI Guy’s” daily book serves as a guiding light. His approach blends the meticulous precision of AI with the intriguing flair of magic, making the exploration of AI an enthralling journey rather than a tedious slog.

A question posed to him recently, albeit with a dash of whimsy and mystery, was “AI Panacea of Prosperity?” His response? A carefully curated array of examples and pathways, a potential treasure map for readers to uncover their unique AI-based prosperity.

The “Ask AI Guy” is not just about answering questions or creating digital books. He is an AI mentor and guide, helping individuals leverage AI to realize their dreams. He isn’t just an AI expert but a dream enabler, using the power of AI to help others achieve their aspirations.

Being a magician himself, the “Ask AI Guy” is a testament that magic still holds its allure in this age of AI. Magic, like AI, holds the power to amaze, inspire, and ignite curiosity. Its charm doesn’t diminish but rather grows in contrast to the logical marvels of AI.

The “Ask AI Guy” is also a part of the “Be Good AI” revolution, advocating for the ethical use of AI. He is a firm believer in the potential of AI to bring about a sense of hope and contentment, a theme reflected in his daily AI-based writings.

In conclusion, AI and magic are not opposing forces but intriguing counterparts. In the hands of individuals like the “Ask AI Guy,” they both serve to inspire wonder, illuminate mysteries, and empower individuals. Whether it’s magic or AI, the goal remains the same – to amaze, to educate, and to enable.

So, in the USA, amidst the world of algorithms and illusions, magicians continue to enchant, and AI continues to revolutionize. While AI provides logical marvels, the magic provides a whimsical charm – together creating a world of balanced wonder and awe. The stage is wide, and the spotlight is big enough for both the magician and the AI expert to perform.

Process of Becoming Famous US Make a Difference

Collaborating for the AI Do Good Initiative

USA Magicians and USA Make a Difference

In a recent thought-provoking dialogue, representatives of USA Magicians had the opportunity to engage with those at the helm of USA Make a Difference. The central focus of the discussion was exploring how magicians could play a role in the AI Do Good Initiative, a progressive project launched by USA Make a Difference, with publicity donated by the Ask AI Guy who is part human and part AI and manages 75 websites on a variety of different topics.

The AI Do Good Initiative is dedicated to leveraging artificial intelligence for societal betterment. As creative thinkers and performers, magicians can provide a unique perspective to this initiative. USA Magicians expressed their interest in contributing to the initiative in several ways.

Firstly, magicians are masters of perception, able to manipulate how people understand the world around them. They can aid the AI Do Good initiative by helping to craft narratives that engage the public and make complex AI concepts more accessible. This could involve using magic tricks as metaphors to explain how AI works or creating performances that demonstrate AI’s potential in an engaging and understandable manner.

Additionally, magicians can help address some of the fear and uncertainty that often surround new technologies like AI. Through their performances, magicians can create a sense of wonder and excitement that counteracts these negative sentiments, helping the public to see AI as a tool for positive change rather than a threat.

USA Magicians also proposed using their skills for fundraising and public awareness campaigns. Magic shows and performances could be organized to raise funds for the AI Do Good initiative, simultaneously providing entertainment and educating audiences about the initiative’s objectives.

USA Make a Difference was excited about these ideas, recognizing the potential benefits of having such creative individuals involved in the AI Do Good initiative. They appreciated the unique ways in which magicians could engage the public, raise awareness, and contribute to understanding of AI.

The two organizations agreed to further explore these ideas, with USA Magicians committing to develop performances and educational content designed to support the AI Do Good initiative. In turn, USA Make a Difference promised to provide the necessary resources and platforms to enable these efforts.

This collaborative discussion between USA Magicians and USA Make a Difference illuminated the potential for diverse disciplines to come together in the name of societal advancement. It underscored the importance of creativity, storytelling, and public engagement in promoting understanding and acceptance of AI, and the potential for such technology to effect positive change.

In the end, both organizations expressed their excitement about the potential impact of their collaboration. By combining the art of magic with the science of AI, they hope to inspire, educate, and engage the public in the AI Do Good initiative. The magic of change, it appears, lies not just in technological advancement, but in the creative ways we share and apply these advancements for the greater good.

Process of Becoming Famous

A Little Known Pathway to Success for Magicians

The Process of Becoming Well Known as a Magician has Changed Drastically Since the Days of Kellar

Magicians, just like in any profession, can be purists. Those who want to stay focused on the “ART of Magic” without being motivated by the attainment of monetary success.

You may have heard that before, very possibly when reading an interview of someone who is, well, famous. Think about it, they are well known but are voicing with disdain anyone who does what they do for profit. They in turn, give a thumb up for creativity.

You likely caught the irony here. They do what they do for art only and not for the money, yet they have made lots of the green stuff. Having had close encounters of a celebrity kind, I can tell you that celebrities often want to portray themselves as being motivated by art only, but rest assured, they know how to climb to fame and FORTUNE through the use of strategies.

As you may have heard, there are two kinds of strategies. “Strategies DIY” (Do it Yourself) and “Strategies DFY” (Done for You). And the METHOD HOW to get strategies is to go to METHOD HOW.

Here’s the thing. To become a professional magician and maybe even one day a famous one, you need to be both and entrepreneur and artist (Magician). And doing both is definitely possible, because as much as people draw a line between art and commerce, entrepreneurship is an art in and of itself, necessitating creative strategy after creative strategy.

And one of the amazing opportunities for professional magicians climbing the ladder to being a well known member of the USA Magicians club, more than just doing performances, you have access to incredible communication technology. And this, just like anything else, requires strategy,

But this does not mean you are a bad person for having strategies, it just has to do with the need for ever increasing resources, and this costs, well, money.

But having moolah in life does not mean from your point of view “me, me, me,” but instead, technology can also help move forward such help to society by being a spokesperson for causes you believe in.

The opportunities for performers are significant, and they’re worth pursuing, even if you haven’t pursued them before. In other words, it can be scary to push forward, but unless you do so you will not succeed with your goal to become a professional magician, and maybe even one day join the the exclusive club known as “USA Magicians.”

Magic Education

What is the Difference Between Being a Magician and Being a Marketer?

Are magicians natural marketers? What is the relationship between magic entertainment and marketing? These are just a few of the questions we began to mull over recently. We tried to think of examples of magicians we know and whether or not they were good at marketing, and the answer was “Yes.”

In discussion, one reason for the magic and marketing intersection was that magic involves illusion and so does marketing. Though, when a magician performs you know it is just “tricks.” But with marketing the expectation is (hopefully) that claims are based in fact.

Though, as we all know, sometimes in commercials the truth gets stretched a bit. For example, in this era of watching movies on a video site, commercials are still served up, but often in such a manner that one can skip ads if they want. Or, after watching a bit you could have a choice as to pass or stay.

Sometimes the spots are big brands, but other times they can be along the lines of the old “As Seen on TV” promos. The internet promotions are clearly designed to be catchy with outrageous claims that what they are promoting is so amazing and effective that other companies (big brands sometimes) are fighting to keep it off the air.

In the end, it is pretty clear that theses are “way out there claims” but like the items you used to see promoted in the back of comic books, you know that the claims cannot be true. Yet, the part of us that wants to “believe,” sometimes will still make a purchase.

In the final analysis, magicians certainly have access to the tools of illusion, but most of them, make no claims to having real magic. Except of course with “psychics,” “fortune tellers,” and so on who often reach into the magician’s bag of tricks. But that is another story…

Taking on Challenges in Magic

USA Magicians and Your Options for Employment or Entrepreneurial Undertakings Includes Being an eCommerce Magic Store Owner or Touring Magician

Goodbye to In-Person Magic Shops Which Was How Many of Today’s Older Magicians Got Their Start

The days of creating your friendly local magic store in a physical community location are for the most part over. Not that there are no longer physical stores offering legerdemain assistance to their neighborhoods, just that is especially challenging now to develop and create an in-person magic store in your neck of the woods.

Why is the Physical Location Magic Shop, well, Vanishing?

The change and transition of disappearing was already in motion Pre COVID. But the Pandemic certainly did not help, because people stayed indoors more. And even now as guidelines are moving toward having less restrictions, more in-person shopping is returning a bit, but as of this writing, things like inflation out of control is now helping physical store retail locations. Many people have gotten hooked on the ease of making and having delivered purchases online.

Do You have a Unique and Differentiating Magic Marketer Strategy?

So, for those magicians bitten by the bug of wanting to have their own magic store, it is probably a good idea to look at your eCommerce Magic Store Owner business model first. And just as any business should do, focus on establishing clearly, before even considering starting up in-person, your digital strategy and differentiation. You will need to be clear on your special angle, both in terms of branding and marketing of that branding. If you are not already receiving them, signing up to the newsletters of successful online magic stores will reveal how others are marketing themselves.

Example of a Current Marketing Strategy for USA Magicians

There are some USA Magicians who are both a MagicPreneur and Marketer Magician, using the almost daily email check in approach working toward generating trust. What is this strategy? It is working toward building interest by bringing in what essentially are testimonials featuring existing customers as well as established magicians. They are mentioned in the subject line of the email along with a quote from them voicing enthusiasm for the magic effect being promoted.

Using Testimonials from the Magic Community

This approach can have an impact on existing or future customers receiving the email. Sometimes the testimonial in the subject line will cause the recipient to open the email to learn more. Getting thumbs up from top conjurers, while offering unique and original magic effects for purchase, can be a strong competition for online success. The theory is that as the magic newsletter recipient potentially gets an ever-growing confidence in the entity sending them the emails, because it appears that customers and professional magicians are willing to be quoted for the emails their support of an effect as well as the eCommerce magic store.

Branding and Fulfillment Strategy

Sadly, if you do not have a unique and different products/services and marketing approach, statistically you are going to be avoiding the happy success you deserve. Some are succeeding both online and in-person, and for the most part these vendors are super clear on their branding and fulfillment strategy.

More on Differentiation in the Magic World

You own specific edge can include offering products not available anywhere else or a unique and powerful targeted niche. Point blank, some say the magic store is dying. This is likely true that the existence of the magic origin tale of current top magicians experienced, is the familiar premise of there being an old neighborhood store where the now famous prestidigitator is bitten by the conjuring bug by getting not only books and effects, but also have the important opportunity of watching and learning from professional magicians passing through town.

The Job of Being a Touring Magician

Clearly, the days of yore when magicians would have elaborate traveling shows that would go from town to town and city to city, to bring people live entertainment because of a then deficit for being entertained, unlike today with possibly too many options of streaming video paid experiences or even free online videos and such.

What Some Magic Producers are Doing

Some touring magic show producers, rather than having an illusion show with a single big-name magician, are creating performance experiences where magicians, often known better by magicians than the public, are packaged together. The draw theoretically being that if you go to such a live experience in-person, you are getting a better result for your entertainment dollar.

Now is Not Then Since, Poof, Another Transformation Has Occurred

Live shows with an edge were touring pre-COVID, but it is not as easy to do because it is not yet a big enough draw at the moment when it comes to the public and magic consumers.

Another Variation on the Touring Magician

Although the magicians making their living by performing on ships has dwindled due to COVID is making a gradual build-back, but as of this moment in time could face a heavy blow do to consumers experiencing inflation and cutting back on things like vacations on ships.

Best wishes for a magical outcome for our friends who are USA Magicians.

Magicians Helping Magicians

The Blogger from USA Magicians Responds to the the MagicPreneur Statement

Although David Devant was not a USA Magician, some called him “England’s Greatest Magician”

This Site is a Club for Fans of USA Magicians, and the Following Statement is from Fans to the MagicPreneur Blog

“Regardless of what was said in MagicPreneur on Friday, there is nothing wrong with magicians helping magicians. In fact, it is often collaboration that makes possible some of the most audience pleasing effects and illusions of all times. Although, magicians can go at it alone, and that is perfectly fine also.”

And Now USA Magicians Fans Wish to Help Other Aspiring Magicians Like Themselves with Some Marketing Tips

Transformational Marketing is possible. But there is a single key to open the door that many people miss. It is this one marketing concept and strategy that is not used enough, yet it can be a breakthrough for companies that harness its power.

Do You Know How the Magician did the “Magic?”

In fact, it is so simple to do that many, if they even think of something close to it, brush past it without giving a second glance. When a magician shows you a magic trick, do you immediately know how it was done.

USA Magicians and What We Can Learn from their Magic Shows

It is like USA Magicians and when they show an effect from their legerdemain repertoire. The secret is quite clear and out in the open, but it is the overanalyzing on the part of the spectators that keep them from seeing what is really going on. What we mean to say is that those you need can become partners by virtue of giving them what they need.

How, through Important Community Work, Will You Partner With?

We are of course talking about blogging partnerships through bringing on those with the same audience and interests of what you are doing. Here is how it works. If you already have a website that is aligned with the ideas and interests of the community you are trying to reach then you are all set, but if you can, and this can be done for no cost, develop a blog that is very much an entity that clearly shares the values of your dream list.

Magic Education

USA Magicians Learn to Make Magic with eCommerce

Pulling eCommerce out of Your Sleeve

USA Magicians from across our great country, have had to pull out of their sleeves new online income streams that generate magic for them. But for many, unless you could work out how to make the virtual magic show thing work for you, felt that they did not have a lot of options and went on unemployment.

Closing Out is Unemployment as a Means of Pulling Coins out of Thin Air

Yes, we all pay taxes and are entitled to help from the government, but for magicians who are creative souls, it is often not the best solution. Instead, dear USA Magicians, we here at are suggesting that you consider pulling an eCommerce store out of your hat. The reality is that most conjurers reading this blog post will not act on starting an online business. But in a sense, it makes things better for us maverick magicians. But how can an eCommerce store be a good fit for finger flingers? Hey, this is for all you artistic prestidigitators out there across America. Challenges are magical opportunities. Rather than just pulling a bouquet of flowers out of a silk, why not try some new sleight of hand? Our fiend Manhattan Magician was kind enough to get permission from his eBook author friends to show reveal to some of the mechanics and tips for starting an eCommerce store. Some of the ideas for making this work would be to write and offer eBooks about what it takes to be a magician. Or creating an online course about the 3 steps that Houdini apparently gave for what it takes to become a magician which were (1) Practice. (2) Practice. And (3) Practice. All I am saying to all of you incredibly talented USA Magicians out there is that if you can link large solid steel rings together, you can surely, poof, make eCommerce work for you.

Why do Some eCommerce Businesses Fail?

One of the top reasons that eCommerce businesses fail is because they do not have a product that stands up to the quality expectations of those who purchase it online. This is vital to get repeat customers. If they do not like what you sent them, they may not order from you again or even worse, demand returning it. Another reason that eCommerce stores tank is, like any business, they do not have good customer service. Even if you have a product for which there is extremely high demand and is not available anywhere, customer service is still important. Be the best you can be in every possible way. Other basic things for why some eCommerce stores go out of business is because they have cheap looking photographs for their products, and they use a platform that is complicated and confusing for the customer to go through which can kill a sale even as the customer is checking out. You need to make things easy and seamless for your customers. Other things that have contributed to online failures is that you have hidden fees or do not honor return policies or even that you were not crystal clear from the very beginning of exactly what type of person wants to purchase your products which can lead to major disasters such as paying for advertising that does not attract the kind of individual who is ready to buy what you are selling.

How do You Use Online Marketing for Your eCommerce Store?

Online marketing also known as digital marketing is always changing due to technological advances, changes in customer behavior, and more. Plus, to promote your eCommerce store can be quite costly and it may not even get you results. If you are just in the planning stages of your eCommerce store and are wondering how you are going to market it once it gets up and running. Do yourself a big favor that could literally save you thousands and thousands of dollars. The key here is to analyze the demand for the product you will be selling. If you will be making available a product that is in a highly competitive industry you are going to have to pay a lot for marketing. Whereas on the other hand if you will be making available a unique and highly desired product that is otherwise difficult to get making you one of the few sellers who can supply it, promotion is going to be a lot easier to do and likely will be less costly to promote. So, step one before you even begin to worry about your advertising, make certain that what you are bringing to market a product that essentially sells itself and for which, if possible, you own the copyright or trademark to encourage less imitators to compete with you. What it comes down to is what is the big difference about others of its kind? Why will yours be more likely than others to drive more sales? The next step is to know exactly the type of individual who desperately needs what you are selling. What is their lifestyle? What are their distinct and specific needs as it relates to your product? Then and only then should you even give a single thought to promoting. The next step is to know exactly how to reach your specific customer. Do they hang out somewhere specific online? How will you reach them with your offering? Maybe you can even figure out ways to not have to pay for marketing because you are able to get agreements with communities which your future customer hangs out. If you cannot come up with a free strategy, then when it comes to hiring a marketer interview many. Make certain you understand exactly what they are going to do for you that you cannot do yourself. Is their price to do this worth paying? Can you get someone less costly who is as good as they are and maybe even better? You should understand the specifics of the marketing strategy. Regarding each kind of promoting, email marketing, ads, publicity and so on is only worth paying for if you cannot do what is being offered, and financially it makes sense so that you can do a cost per customer analysis to see if what you are paying to get each customer makes sense to you.

Should I Take an eCommerce Course?

Educating yourself about what it takes to have a successful eCommerce store is indeed important, but before you jump into paying to take a course make certain it is worth your while. For example, is it being taught by someone who is in the same industry as you are and understands and will be explaining the specifics and techniques that you need to be learning for your online store? There are hundreds of thousands of online instructors out there who are selling very general courses on eCommerce. If you cannot find an online course about eCommerce that is not being taught specific to your industry, then it might make more sense to not pay for a course but rather do research on the web both through using search engines and free video sites. But again, you need to always make certain to try to initially find eCommerce information that is specific to your industry.

Taking on Challenges in Magic

Overcoming the Obstacles Now Faced by USA Magicians

Being a Magician Today is Much More than Just Pulling Rabbits Out of Hats

USA magicians (including sleight of hand artists, illusionists, mentalists and so on) are doing their best to adapt to the new Zoom and Google Meet interactive culture that is restraining entertainers who traditionally performed for in-person audiences. Regardless of what the category is, each kind of conjuring has its own unique set of problems due to the challenges of the Pandemic.

The Prior Use of Up-Close Interactivity

Take for example sleight of hand artists. They are facing the reality of having to come up with a strategy to still receive a paycheck even though their audience members are now watching them digitally. Often the whole reason that a live event producer would hire a magician in the first place is because of the benefits it has of pleasing event goers. Event goers enjoy live magicians who roam through a crowd providing up close interactivity that enhances the level of amazement.

Fear of Being Perceived as Using Camera Tricks

Interaction would include tricks with spectators that involves magic happening in their hand such as vanishing a coin or multiplying sponge balls or a bevy of card effects that can no longer be done without direct contact. This category of magic is powerful because the person watching it is observing with direct contact. Seeing this kind of magic via video takes away from the viewer’s experience because of the suspicion that many have that camera tricks could be used thereby lessoning the impact.

Seeking Being Impactful and Believable

This possesses a significant hurdle for conjurers because they now face having to create magic presentations that make interactivity via Zoom or Google Meet be something of value to virtual event producers. So, what is the performer of today to do to justify charging a fee as well as seen as valuable in the eyes of those hiring entertainers for online happenings.

Enhancing Credibility

Or what about illusionists that in the nomenclatures of magicians stands for those who use large props such as sawing a person in half or producing a tiger or making someone float. The impact of these kinds of experiences when performed live is much more powerful than when watched on television. And in the past illusions seen on the home screen were often done in conjunction with having a live studio audience. This contributes to the credibility of the performance to those viewing from home because there is the implied belief that if others are seeing it live there is less likely to be camera tricks at work.

Mind Magic

And finally, mentalists. This breed of magicians also relies on the credibility provided with live performance. Again, things such as predictions, mind reading and mediumistic getting in touch with the deceased, ring truer with observers if it is done in person.

The Perils of Remote Engagement

We have painted a bleak picture for magicians trying to survive and get bookings in the current age of remote engagement. What is a sleight of hand artist (Close Up Magic), illusionist or mentalist to do to earn a living performing the art of magic? Thankfully, other sites that are a part of the Blog Coalition of nearly 60 blogs are also looking at trying to find a solution to the problem of magicians having a harder time prospering due to the technological constraints put upon them due to COVID-19 and its variants.